Category: Bravecto

dog flea bravecto

Bravecto For Dog Is The Vet-recommended Flea Protection Product

What Are The Best Flea And Tick Pills Products For Dogs?

Fleas and ticks are not only disgusting, but also risky. Both can spread diseases that can hurt your dog and put people in danger.

If you’ve ever had to get rid of fleas or pull ticks off your dog, you know how important it is to use a dog flea bravecto and tick control product. So how do you decide which flea and tick pill is the best for your dog?

All of the flea and tick pills for dogs that you can get with a prescription work very well, and there are many different kinds to choose from to meet your pet’s needs.

Your vet probably has one or two favorite flea and tick pills that they know best, and they can help you find the best ones for your dog.

Different Pills For Fleas For Dogs

All flea protection products that you take by mouth can upset your stomach, so you should give them with food. They should also be used with care in dogs that are prone to seizures. If your dog has had neurological problems in the past, talk to your vet first.

Here Is A List Of The Most Popular Types Of Pills For Dogs That Kill Fleas And Ticks

Bravecto (fluralaner), NexGard (afoxolaner), Simparica (sarolaner), and Credelio (lotilaner) are all in the Isoxazoline Class.

The Bravecto, NexGard, Simparica, Simparica Trio, and Credelio pills are all in the isoxazoline class. This is a younger group of flea and tick pills for dogs. It has changed everything because both fleas and ticks don’t like these active ingredients. A lot of these products are also used to treat and get rid of certain kinds of mites that cause mange when they are not on the label.

How They Function

When a flea bites your dog, the active ingredients in the isoxazoline class work on the flea’s nervous system and kill it.

Is There A Risk To Safety?

Because mammal nervous systems don’t have the same receptors as insect nervous systems, these medicines are very safe and have a very low chance of toxicity.

There have been a few reports of bad things happening, like seizures, but they are very rare and seem to mostly happen to dogs who already have problems with seizures.

How often do you have to give your dog pills to get rid of fleas and ticks?

One thing to think about when deciding between your choices is how often you will need to take the medicine. All of the above flea treatments are given once a month, except Bravecto, which is supposed to be given every 12 weeks. It’s important to remember that this means it should be given every 12 weeks, not every three months, because some months have more days than others.

Some people like to give their pets heartworm prevention pills and flea and tick medicine on the same day every month because it’s easier to remember.

Some pet owners like that they don’t have to remember to give Bravecto to their pets once a month. However, you will have to set a reminder every 12 weeks. You can choose what to do, but either way, it’s a good idea to put a reminder on your calendar or in your phone so that you don’t end up with fleas if you forget.

Can You Use Natural Things To Keep Fleas Away?

Many people are interested in flea pills for dogs that are made from natural ingredients. There are many claims on the internet that you can wash your pet with dish soap or natural items like garlic, brewer’s yeast, essential oils, herbs, and other things.

Some of these items might be a little bit good at killing fleas, but many of them are, at best, not very good and, at worst, can be downright dangerous.

For example, garlic is poisonous to dogs and can even kill them if they eat enough of it. However, many natural flea treatments say that you should feed your pet garlic. Many essential oils can also be dangerous, and most of them are not meant to be put on the skin directly.

Oral flea preventives have been tried and studied a lot as drugs, and the Food and Drug Administration has given them the green light. They have been shown to be safe and successful, and they are closely watched and regulated. The safety and effectiveness of natural goods are not closely looked at in the same way.

How Many Kinds of Bravecto Are There?

Bravecto comes in two different ways: a chewable pill that your dog can eat and a solution that you put on its skin. Fluralaner, which is the same in both, is what makes them work. 

Subjective Bravecto for Dogs

Topical Bravecto is a liquid that you put on your dog’s skin. The rules say to start between your dog’s shoulder blades and put the medicine on his or her back in one or more spots. Like oral Bravecto, topical Bravecto should be used once every 12 weeks. 

Dogs can get Bravecto Chews.

Oral Bravecto is a tablet that your dog can chew and is likely to like. The dose is one pill every 12 weeks, with a full meal and lots of water (unless your vet tells you otherwise). If you have a dog that moves around a lot and won’t let you put a topical treatment on it, the oral form may be better. 


It can be scary for a pet owner to hear that a famous flea and tick medicine could kill their dog. But the facts don’t back up these fears. Bravecto is safe for dogs, according to a number of high-quality research papers and government agencies.

All medicines have possible side effects, and Bravecto is no different. Even though it is rare, Bravecto may cause stomach upset, thirst, and skin problems.

In severe, but rare, cases, it can cause problems with the nerves. Studies haven’t found any link between Bravecto and problems with the kidneys or liver. 

It’s important to keep fleas and ticks off of your dog. These bugs can cause diseases that last for a long time or even kill. But you should always talk to your vet before making any choices about your dog’s health. 

Bravecto is one of many safe and successful flea and tick treatments, but you and your vet are the only ones who can decide what is best for your dog.